Download Fedora Electronic Lab

Fedora Electronic Lab is free. No licenses required. No kernel patches are required, making it easy to deploy and use in production environment. Fedora Electronic Lab can be deployed with these simple mechanisms, via either
  • yum,
  • a Fedora Electronic Lab LiveDVD or

FEL deployment with the LiveDVD

The LiveDVD can be downloaded either via http or torrent. A LiveDVD is an operating system that is executed upon boot, without installation on a hard drive. A desktop icon can be used to install the OS if wanted.

Released17 November 2009
Torrent (i386)FEL 12 for i386
Torrent x86_64FEL 12 for x86_64

FEL deployment with YUM

It is recommended to use this type of deployment, if the user already has a Fedora system installed. Else, download the livedvd.

As from Fedora-11 Leonidas

Fedora users can groupinstall all FEL EDA software at once with:
# yum groupinstall 'Electronic Lab'

Fedora 10 Cambridge and older

Since "yum groupinstall" was not yet implemented for older Fedora versions, users who have already installed Fedora should use the following command:
# yum install alliance-doc irsim gds2pov magic-doc toped xcircuit qucs netgen pharosc\* sk2py gtkwave iverilog drawtiming ghdl freehdl ngspice gnucap gspiceui gwave geda\* gerbv gresistor kicad pcb piklab ktechlab pikloops sdcc gtkterm picocom minicom arm-gp2x-linux\* avr-\* avrdude dfu-programmer avarice uisp octave\* perl-Verilog\* perl-Hardware\* tkgate linsmith